
Find some answers here and don't hesitate to ask as anything!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are your visits covered by my health insurance?

Your insurance may cover it through physical therapy but only when you have met deductible. My office may check it for you.
Health insurance does not cover naturopathic medicine but you may apply the costs of naturopathic care towards your flexible medical or health spendings. Ask in human resources about details.

I have blood results but they are normal. Do I have to send it to you before naturopathic visit?

The blood results may be within normal range but not necessary at the optimal range. We can find the pattern your body is trying to adapt or compensate even if your lab studies are within referenced range.

I had physical therapy and it was helping me initially but pains came back couple months after I was discharged. Can you help me?

It may be that your PT was not specific enough or you may have not received enough training on how to maintain the improvement. Also, you may have some other health issue which may refer pain to your back. Yes, I may be able to help you.

How many times do I have to see you before I can feel results?

If you keep following your lifestyle and specific exercise program, it usually takes about 2 weeks (4 – 6 treatments). If the problem is new and very recent, it may take from 1 to 4 visits.

How therapeutic yoga is different from the regular yoga offered in many studios?

Therapeutic yoga can be implemented by someone who can identify the problem looking at your body as the whole.  The group yoga is good for healthy people who do not have advanced or acute health problems. It is not so effective for ill people. The therapeutic yoga is the system of positions which can not only relax the muscles but correct many positive findings which may be causing your problems.

What is the difference between therapeutic massage and lymph drainage therapy?

The practitioner is trained in: diagnosing the lymph flow, identifying congestions, and utilizing very specific manual techniques. In many examples, we need to prescribe supplementation to maintain the optimal function.  Massage therapists are not trained in diagnosis and therapy of the lymphatic system.

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